Treatment of all ear, nose and throat diseases in OPD
Surgery for Perforation in Ear drum ( Myringoplasty)
Surgery for decreased hearing and unsafe CSOM ( Mastoidectomy with Ossiculoplasty)
Endoscopic Surgery for sinusitis, Nasal Polyps (FESS)
Deviated nasal septum surgery (Septoplasty)
Nasal allergy and Asthma Treatment
Tonsillectomy for chronic tonsillitis
Surgery for voice problem like vocal polyp and nodule (Microlaryngeal Surgery)
Head & Neck cancer surgeries
Treatment of Thyroid Disease and Surgery for Thyroid.
Evaluation & treatment of vertigo
Audiometry and Impedance
Hearing Aids
Ear Piercing
Paediatric ENT Diseases
Wax Removal
Book an appointment online and save your time. To Confirm Your Appointment, After Submitting Form, Pay Rs. 250/- Using UPIID/QR Code given below.
We Accept,
UPI ID-abhinaventhospital@uco
Morning- 9:00AM – 3:00PM
Evening- 5:00PM - 7:30PM
Sunday 9:00AM -2:00PM, EVENING OFF